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AVP Workshops

Alternatives to Violence Project teaches through experiential learning.  In our workshops and activities we show how to:

  • recognize the peacemaking skills you have already and learn new ones

  • manage strong feelings such as anger and fear

  • deal more effectively with risk and danger

  • build good relationships with other people

  • communicate well in difficult situations

  • be true to yourself while respecting other people

  • understand why conflict happens

  • uncover your innate “transforming power” to transform a situation from aggression to cooperation

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Be Here Now is 2 hour workshop exploring  the concepst of mindfulness and the importance of being present in the moment by using simple AVP techniques.


The purpose of this mini-workshop is to:

  • Begin the journey of mindfulness and thoughtfulness

  • Discover how to capture your thoughts

  • Examine those thoughts and

  • Share those thoughts

It is free and open to:anyone who wants to use mindfulness to improve their relationships.


When: Two offerings, choose one

Sun., Mar 24, 2024, 2:00 - 4:00 pm or

Sat., Apr 13, 2024, 2:30 - 4:30 pm

Where: First Unitarian Church, 3114 Harney St, Omaha 68131

Cost: Free. Refreshments provided.

Please Register:

March 24 Be Here Now

April 13 Be Here Now

or email


Do stereotypes and labels interfere with appreciating the inherent human worth on dignity? Hear some AVP perspectives in this YOUTUBE video

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A Basic Workshop is the beginning step to learning AVP's transforming power lessons.

AVP facilitators guide the exercises and increasingly invite participants to contribute.  As the workshop progresses, feelings of trust and belonging grow, and a workshop community forms.

Largely experiential, workshops meet 18 - 20 hours over 3 days.
The next In person community Omaha Basic Workshop will be Saturdays Jan 25, Feb 1 & 8, 2025 from 9-4pm.  Each day's workshop continues from the previous one. Please attend all 3 days.



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Advanced Workshop
Aug 3, 10, 17, 2024
stay tuned...

Building on the AVP transforming power foundation offered in the Basic Workshop, Advanced Workshops go deeper focusing on a specific topic such as forgiveness, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, anger or grief.

Completing a Basic Workshop is a prerequisite to attending an Advanced Workshop.

In person community Advanced Workshops meet 18-20 hours over 3 days. The next Omaha Advanced Workshop is tentatively scheduled for January 6, 13 & 28, 2024 9-4pm.

Contact us for more information.

What's in an AVP Workshop?

The Transforming Power  curriculum was developed by incarcerated men, the Quakers of New York and Bernard LaFayette, of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Beloved Community.

AVP Workshops are highly interactive and experiential. Facilitators guide but do not lecture.  Workshops offer a variety of exercises, discussions, role plays, and light and livelies - fun and light-hearted activities. 


Over three days we gradually connect with one another, build a workshop community and foster trust while having fun and personally enriching experience.

AVP workshops are offered throughout the year.

For more information or to register,  please CONTACT US

Additional AVP Activities


Weekly AVP Meetings
Omaha AVP meets weekly at the Community Corrections Center – Omaha working with men who are
at the end of their incarceration and transitioning back to the community. Meetings last 1.5 hours and
include a check-in, an AVP exercise and a fun activity called a Light and Lively.


Community Field Trips
To expand on the weekly transforming power meeting experience ,

Omaha AVP hosts occasional community field trips for returning citizens.
To quote an AVP participant, “We know how to survive on the inside, but we don't know how to succeed
on the outside. Community field trips show us what successful living looks like.”


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